Friday, November 22, 2019

Only Six Months

I recently celebrated 6 months of sobriety. It's not a big deal, because I've had 6 months lots of times; but it is a big deal, because any day sober for this  alcoholic is a miracle. 
I dislike at recovery meetings when I hear "I've only got x days" because recovery is about so much more than the time without our chemicals. But here are some things i do have as a result of 6 months clean:
I've got 6 months without being hospitalized.
I've got 6 months without passing out in public and losing my winter jacket and telephone.
I've got 6 months without being kicked out of where I'm living.
I've got 6 months without police contact.
I've got 6 months without worrying about how I'm going to pay for the next bottle.
I've got 6 months where my loved ones don't worry about me as much.
There is much, much more I've realized from abstaining from alcohol and other drugs for 6 months, and there's even more I'm realizing from working a program of recovery.
So if you're 'new' to recovery and reading this, my request is remove the word only when describing your clean time and begin to recognize all you have as a result.
(Sent from my phone so please forgive the mistakes!)

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