Wednesday, February 23, 2022

A Part of Me (Sarah Blondin)

I was presented with this meditation experience last year some time, and was profoundly moved by it, so much so that I wanted to share it on my blog. I listened again this morning, and again was profoundly moved. This meditation is by Sarah Blondin, and is titled, "Healing Through Letting Go." Sarah's meditations, insights, and courses can be found on the app called Insight Timer, and can be accessed without charge (the meditations, anyway). 

The following is a transcription of Sarah Blondin's "Eyes Wide Open":

A part of me wants to keep my eyes closed, and pull the covers over my head - block out the light trying to be turned on in my room.

A part of me wants to stay right where I am, and wants not anyone, or anything, to jostle me, ask me questions, push me forward.

A part of me wants to hide in my anger and fear, in my stale beliefs, with my pointing fingers, my victimhood, my righteousness, and wants to defend why life is not easy.

A part of me wants to tell the world I have been hurt too many times to move ahead.

A part of me wants to justify how my pain has left me frozen, petrified, and unable to let go.

A part of me is so afraid to look at what is hurting me, that it would rather escape, than face it.

A part of me is so afraid to open my eyes because the very nature of waking up is to be aware, to be accountable, to be responsible for the healing of my life, and knows I will need to take on the task of loving myself until full.

A part of me is so afraid to look and to see because it knows the fingers I have been pointing will be pointing back at me, the angry eyes I have been looking out at the world with are my eyes, my responsibility.

A part of me knows that when caught in anger and pain, I will have to ask myself, "Is this really worth my misery? Is the price I am paying worth my One Precious Life?"

A part of me is afraid to see because it knows that in seeing, I will be asked to let go, and that in letting go I will be asked to be reborn, and that in being reborn, I will have to uncover Who I Truly Am.

A part of me knows that once I begin to see, I will never be able to unsee again; that in waking, I will begin the sometimes scary process of perpetually moving forward, the process of stretching and growing, and then stretching and growing again.

But another Part of Me knows in every ounce and inch of its being that I am serving no one, not one single life by staying asleep.

A Part of Me is beckoning me to move up and out from all of the places of ungrowth, the dark rooms of stagnant air.

A part of me is being propelled up and out into this Great Wilderness and asking to discover the power hidden in the creases of My skin, resting on the tips of My eyelashes, traveling in the veins that surge through Me.

A part of Me is not afraid to look Who longs to see, Who longs to live in My Freedom, Who is calling me into the wide expanse of My Being.

A Part of Me knows of My Source, knows of My Magnitude, knows of My Duty, My Call, to stop choosing to stay asleep; to follow my pain until I realize there is nothing more for me to do with it but lay it down.

A part of Me knows this, and calls to me in all of my discontent, and gently shows me signs of Life on the other side; shows me the Gift of rising up and out from the bed I have made on the ground.

Close your eyes now (meditation)

Arrive in your body; notice your arms, your legs, your ankles, your feet. Breathe deeply, and feel it between your shoulder blades. Arrive here with Yourself. 

Can you hear the small voice inside of you, that has been telling you there is more to this Life than what you have been choosing?

Can you hear the small voice inside of you, that has been gently guiding you to your Heart all along?

Can you hear the small voice inside that is telling you, "When you are ready, you are welcome to join Me in the Truth of Your Great Beauty?"

It is here, if you listen closely. 

Behind the dense hurt and bondage lives another Part of You, standing tall, feet strongly planted in the earth, palms turned to face the sky, earth rejoicing around Its Feet, Heart loud, clear, resolute; Eyes wide open.

There, inside of you, a wondrous Part of You is calling you to step into the land of Your great, unbounding Potential, Freedom, and Abundance. 

Any change or Forgiveness you have experienced in your life was not because someone else made you let go; it was because You chose to. The Power is Yours. The Choice is Yours.

Do not worry yourself too much with how to Live from this Self; do not worry yourself too much with how to release your pain; do not worry yourself with the practical side of this, for there is an Intelligence Living within You that has guided you to this very moment, hearing these very words.

It is helping us open our eyes, and is guiding us here always - to this Heart, to our Wholeness. Guidance comes in many forms and faces. 

So do not worry yourself too much with how You will ultimately arrive at Your Freedom, for it is the work of magic and miracle. 

All you must worry yourself with is listening intently for the part of You that is not interested in staying in suffering any longer. 

All you must worry yourself with, Dear One, is listening intently for the part of You that already knows what you must do to arrive at the door of Your Awakening. 

You are longing to be more Alive, You are longing to be fully present to Your One Precious Life. You are not afraid. You are ready, Dear One, to be accountable, to be wholly responsible for Your Life. 

Life Itself is Pure of Being, empty of suffering. 

Life Itself is Free from anger and fear. 

Life is here for Us to live in wonder of, and to open Our Eyes to Our Ability to let go of all that hurts in order to find our Liberation; to drop the notion that we are owed anything from this Life, and realize that instead, We owe It to Ourselves.

A Part of You Knows this as Truth; a Part of You can hear a deep and resounding Yes! to the pulling of the covers off from over your head, because it knows Your Life - Your One Precious Life - is so worth it!

Thank you for allowing me to share this with you. It is my deepest wish that We All wake up to Who We Really Are, by whichever paths get us there.

