Thursday, May 24, 2018

So What's the Point?

Some years ago, an idea or a thought came to me that seemed to be the Truth, at least to my head, and it was this: What if when we pass on from this life, we're asked only one question, and it is this: "Did you appreciate the life you were given?"

I think this question came to me at that time because, no, I really didn't appreciate the life I was given. For the most part, I thought it sucked, and I didn't see the point of it all. I was unable to see all the good around me and in me. I was unable to appreciate anything, even the seemingly good things in my life.

To appreciate really means to add value to or to give value to something. I think that I'm just beginning to appreciate my life now. I'm beginning to recognize the value of my life. Where I first started noticing it was when I felt that others valued my life more than I did. When I began to accept that, I noticed that I began to value the lives of others more than I had previously. And now I find myself valuing my life for itself.

Much, if not all, of what I value about my life revolves around my connection with others. I do stuff today that uplifts others. I shine light. I'm of real service. I let the healing stuff of the Universe work in me and through me, and I'm not ashamed to express that. I know what happens when I open up and let It flow. 

And I get this feeling inside like I've never experienced before - a feeling of wholeness and belonging and love and warmth. It's what I've wanted my entire life, and always looked for outside of myself, and never found. When I began looking inside, and sharing what I found in there, I began to be fulfilled. And I began to appreciate what I've been given in this life - the good, the bad, the ugly - it's all good. And I began to love myself not for what I've done, but for who I am - a beloved Child of the Universe, filled with all the goodness of the Universe. And I appreciate all the Universe creates in and through me today. 

So what's the point? To understand this journey I'm on just a little better, and to know deep down that, even after all the pain and heartache and disappointments, that it is worth it. There is great Joy to be found when I get past the fear and begin to mine the Soul to find out what's really there. And today I appreciate my life. I still think lots of stuff, but I no longer regret being born. I am grateful. I am grateful, and I feel privileged to be on this journey.



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