Tuesday, May 31, 2016

10 Minute Thank You!

One of the blessings of being in recovery/discovery is that there is always something to do, and always adjustments to be made in order to keep life balanced. As new things come into my life, I find I must either find more time and energy, or let go or lessen some of my involvement in other things. And the really neat blessing is since I still can feel overwhelmed if I trip over my shoelace, the new things coming in help me keep my recovery first.

On May 21, 2016, I celebrated 1 year of sobriety. I am very grateful to have finally found the right level of despair that led me to abandon any idea that I knew what I was doing and could manage my own sobriety/mental health. I am grateful to live in a community that has a multitude of resources for people in my position, and grateful to have some really wonderful individuals in my life. I'm also grateful that today my life has more meaning, and that I feel less and less like this is all a big waste of time.

I'm grateful for my recovery groups, I'm grateful for the opportunity to participate, no matter how low I've been. I'm grateful that I'm a better man than I was a year ago, and I'm grateful there's a lot of improvement yet to come.

Most of all I'm grateful for people like you - people who can see past circumstances and appearances and see the good (God) in others, and make the effort to uncover that good.

Thank you for my sobriety. Thank you for my sanity. Thank you for my life.



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