Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Wants and Needs

Back in October, I think - or maybe even earlier - I posted a picture of the big Cadillac that I encountered while riding in the MS 150 last August. I've had that picture on my desktop since then. That kind of car was, and still is, to some point, desirable to me.

Two months ago I posted on Facebook a picture of the car I actually purchased (the 2nd car - a 2004 Hyundai Elantra). I had been 22 months without a vehicle because I was (am) learning to live within my means. 

During those 22 months I learned a lot about myself. I learned that I'm not lazy, like I thought I was. I learned that I can be happy and fulfilled without lots of stuff. I learned that nobody but me really gives a shit whether or not I have a car or what kind it is. I learned the value of money - what it stands for, and what it doesn't stand for. I learned (and continue to learn) that each and every day I really am very well provided for. I learned about what I truly value, and I learned how tough I really am.

A living lesson I continually get is that I don't always get what I want, but I always get what I need. I think this car thing is a good example. The second day I was driving my new car, it was raining. I really dislike driving in the rain - I can't see well, I don't think other drivers see well, and it's just a scary experience. I was glad I was driving a Hyundai rather than a Cadillac.

In my Hyundai, I can make a U-turn in most streets.  Parking is a snap. The only drawback to parking is it looks like every other silver Asian vehicle in the world, and there are lots of those.

So I backed into a tree one night to give my car a little character and individuality - nothing major, I just dented the top of the trunk lid. After I heard the crunch, I got out and looked, said "Hmph," locked the door and went to bed. I don't think I would've felt the same way if I had backed the Cadillac into a tree.

Then there's mileage - when my clutch was bad and slipping a lot, I was getting 24 mpg. I don't think I could get that coasting with the engine off in the Cadillac. I anticipate getting better mileage now that I have a new clutch assembly installed.

There's this really weird human thing where getting the stuff I want gives me some sort of immediate pleasure that usually wears off pretty quickly, while getting and appreciating the stuff I need gives me a lower, but longer lasting hum. That's for another post.

I'm just very grateful that I do recognize I have all that I need, and I'm grateful for the 1/2 ounce of wisdom that allows me to appreciate its value.



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