Monday, May 22, 2017

Thank You

Yesterday I celebrated two years of sobriety and recovery from depression. It seems like it's been a really long two years, and at the same time, it seems like just yesterday that I could barely walk and was sitting in the Waukesha Alano Club drinking free coffee waiting for the Salvation Army to open so I could get a bed for the night.

All of the things I have experienced over the last two years I could not have imagined, because I had given up (almost) all hope of ever having any kind of a life. 

I would not be here today if I had not stopped drinking (of course), but also if I had not addressed my mental health condition. I am very grateful for the many people that come into my life to teach me, assist me, and support me. And I am especially grateful for the people who allow me to share my experience, strength, and hope with them - the patients at Waukesha Memorial Hospital, the residents of Genesis House, and the people who avail themselves of the programs at NAMI-Waukesha. Without you, I would have no purpose. 

I am grateful to be able to acknowledge the Power of the Universe, and that I am learning how to let that Power work in me and through me. And I am grateful that I have lots to look forward to. And I can honestly say that I'm grateful for my illnesses - in seeking relief, I have found a meaningful life and a beautiful world that I never would have sought if I had not been ill.

I am grateful that today I love myself enough to want to continue on this journey.



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