Thursday, November 23, 2017

A Thankful Heart

I wasn't going to write today, but I think the message is important enough to write whether I feel like it or not. I usually don't write unless I feel 'inspired' - that is, when I feel like I have a clear message or idea of what I want to write about. I kinda do but kinda don't, so we'll see where this goes.

Thanksgiving used to be is still my favorite holiday. I'm not all that excited about it today, and I think it's because I'm finally integrating a belief that I've had most of my adult life about holidays, and it is this - that it's a good thing to be grateful year round (to hold the spirit of thanksgiving every day). For instance, I can celebrate my being born into this life every day that I'm alive. I can experience the joy of giving every day, and not confine it to Christmas. I celebrate freedom and independence every day, not just on July 4th, and I can celebrate my relationship with the Divine every moment, not just at Easter. 

That being said, or written, as it were, my personal understanding of gratitude is being able to recognize the gifts I've been given and feeling joy for the abundant life I experience today. This attitude is a turnaround from the way I used to feel. I used to feel shortchanged by life, to put it simply. I no longer feel that way (most of the time). I like my life today. I love my life. 

The best part is is that I understand it's not the things in my life that make it great, it's the people and the ways in which I give. I've always been blessed with good people in my life, whether I've been a total shithead or an angel. I'm not so much of a shithead anymore, so I have more good people in my life. I have gifts today that I've always had, but I'm learning each day how to share those with the people around me. I have a little bit better understanding today of how life works, which allows me more peace of mind. I have a lot less fear today and a lot more faith that the Universe is conspiring for my highest good. I have the knowing that everything I need materially for this day already exists. I'm grateful for the increased ability to make better choices for myself - that's a big one right there. I'm not so inclined as I used to be to screw myself.

I have two conditions for which I am grateful - major depressive disorder and alcoholism. Those are the names given to my condition, but, boiled down, it amounts to a near inability to appreciate and enjoy life from the inside out. I think I'm empty inside, so I look to things outside of myself to fill that emptiness. It's a very self-destructive condition. The good news is that the treatment for this condition is discovering the Truth about me (and about you, I believe) - that I'm not empty at all, and I really do have everything I need inside of me to live life. The blueprint and the power is there. So every day for me is a treasure hunt - I look for what I think I don't have, and when I find it I give it away. And in so doing, I get more.

That's the reason I'm so grateful for the people in my life. If it weren't for others sharing with me and encouraging me, I would not be here.

There is a Universal Law that whatever we focus on increases. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, or if we focus on it with joy or with hatred. Gratitude is the skillful use of this law. When I am thankful for the things and thoughts and actions that bring me joy, I get more. The more grateful I am, the more I have for which to be grateful. I'm not going to write a book about that, because it really is that simple.

So, for my 2 or 3 readers today, my desire for you is that you have a thoroughly enjoyable day that brings you warmth and peace in your heart, and that you know deep down what a truly wonderful being you are.



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