Friday, November 24, 2017

What's Really Going On?

In yesterday's post I mentioned the fact that what we focus on increases, whether we're focusing on our blessings or the things we'd rather not have. Seeing the good around me has always been a challenge for me - it's much easier for me to spot what's 'wrong'. This trait can be particularly useful if I'm doing something like editing or quality control; however, past that, it serves no purpose other than to maintain a shitty outlook on life.

I've been following the 'news', and I'm pretty sure that I'm not better off for doing so. Even though I know better, I still seem to gravitate toward looking for the bad. I don't really have to look too far, do I? It seems like a chore sometimes to see what's right with people and what's right with the world.

25 years ago I read a letter to the editor in the Milwaukee Journal written by a friend of mine. At the time, Jeffrey Dahmer was on trial in Milwaukee. Fortunately, crimes like the ones he committed are rare in Milwaukee; however, it seemed like everyone was focusing on the case. Her letter urged us to focus on all the things going right with the world, and I think the theme still holds today.

I can't recreate her letter here, but I can write down those things that are right in the world, and I know they'll outnumber the things that are seemingly not right.

  • The last time I checked, I still have a pulse. Many people will die today, some tragically and/or needlessly; yet many many more will live.
  • I am 95-99% healthy. I have some aches and pains, and there are things I have to watch about my health, but I am not ill at all. I see lots of advertisement that prompts me to think I am lacking in health, but that just is not the case.
  • Some people will die today from suicide and/or addiction. I will not, and the vast majority of people will not.
  • There is much suffering and inequity in this world. There is not in my life, and I seek, along with many others, to ease the suffering of others.
  • Nobody, known or unknown to me, has attempted to harm me today.
  • I can live within my means today and have enough left over to share with others. There are some people in this world who have much, much more than I have materially, yet don't feel secure. I am abundantly blessed.
  • I am filled with hope today, and every time I share it, my share increases.
  • I have control over my mind and my actions today, and so long as I am constructive rather than destructive, I'm doing ok.
  • There seems to be a lot of hatred and disconnect nowadays; I know that this is not the Truth; the Truth is that we are all loved and cared for and important, regardless of what we look like or what we've done, and that we are all connected. I seek to live this Truth more and more each day, knowing that how I live does make a difference.
  • There seems to be a lot of stupidity, callousness, and ignorance in the world today. In Truth, I am surrounded by people who are awake and aware.
That's kind of the short list. 'Society' tries to program us to stay in an attitude of fear and lack; however, writing this list has made me feel closer to the Truth - that fear and lack are illusions and have only as much power as I give them. When I endeavor to live in the light, others see this, and they are encouraged to let their lights shine as well. All I really can do is give what I have; however, what I have is a lot more powerful than even I know, and the same goes for everyone on this planet.

Keep your light shining, and I'll do the same!



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