Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Day!

I was debating whether or not to post today. I can't in good conscience wish everyone a Happy New Year, because it's an empty wish. We don't get new years. We get new moments, new minutes, new days at best. January 1st, in the cosmic scheme of things, is no different than December 31st or January 2nd. It's simply a mark on a calendar.

Looking back, there are reasons to call 2017 my 'best' year ever. I've made more money in other years, so that's not what I'm talking about. 2017 is the year in which I've experienced the best mental health, the best sobriety, the best peace of mind, and the best purposeful living throughout this lifetime. However, if I try to ride 2017 into 2018 with the hopes that 2018 will be as good or better, by the time the end of 2018 rolls around, I'll be sorely disappointed.

I have heard, or read, and I think it was Emmet Fox, but I don't want to look it up right now - I've read that if I want to have a bright and happy future, I need to focus my attention on making today the best I can. If I do this consistently, my future will consistently get better. If I do it inconsistently or not at all, then I leave my life open to the vagaries of fate and chance. I have lived this, and I believe this.

I would love a better world, but I know that I won't get a better world until I start with allowing into my life the things that make me a better me, and letting go of the habits and beliefs that no longer serve me. Waking up and railing at the inconsistencies and injustices in the world around me does nothing except empower those inconsistencies and injustices. If there is something 'out there' that I think needs to change, then I need to look inside of myself and see what needs changing. I do see lots of injustice in the world around me, which indicates to me that I still have a lot of inner work to do.

One of the things that seems to have taken place over the last year (I've been noticing it more quite recently) is that I really am beginning to look at this life as an adventure and beginning to enjoy it. That's pretty neat! And I don't want to stop there.

I'm fairly aware of what's due for a change in me, and I am willing to work on it and allow others to support me in that change. And that's all I'm going to say! 

I won't wish you a Happy New Year, if you're reading this (or even if you're not) - that, to me, is like 'I wish you'd lose 50 pounds' or 'I wish you'd quit __________ (smoking, drinking, gambling, fill in the blank).' Whether or not your New Year is happy is your own business. However,

If I can do anything to support or enhance your desires and dreams, please let me know and I'll do what I can. And that's a promise.

I do hope that you have a safe and pleasant evening, doing what makes your heart sing.



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